(By Senators Baldwin, Beach, and Plymale)

[Introduced February 26, 2018]


Designating February 26, 2018, as Families Leading Change Day at the Legislature.

Whereas, The important role of the family in nurturing and mentoring future citizens and leaders of West Virginia is recognized as a basic requirement for the viability of a democratic society; and

Whereas, While we know that a parent’s role in their child’s learning evolves as they grow, parents and families have the greatest impact on our children’s well-being, participation in school, and attitudes about education; and

Whereas, Parents and extended families are children’s first teachers—exploring nature, reading together, cooking together, and counting together. Parents can engage each child by extending the learning started at school into the home and helping their children see how exciting and meaningful learning can be; and

Whereas, Through guidance and reminders, parents help their kids organize their time and support their desires to learn new things in and out of school so that ultimately, parents inspire and show children how to take charge of their own educational journey; and

Whereas, Mentored youth are most likely to become successful adults who provide for themselves and their families, and are most likely to become volunteer contributors to their schools, communities, and local improvement projects; and

Whereas, An educated public is essential to the development of the state's economy because a skilled and diverse workforce spurs economic activity and attracts revenue to the state; and


Whereas, It is no coincidence that Mother’s Day was founded in West Virginia by Anna Jarvis in 1910, because West Virginians care about family, and West Virginian families go back many generations, but West Virginians also have one of the highest national rates of “nonfamily” households because West Virginia families are most willing to provide a home for those in need; and

Whereas, Families Leading Change is a statewide coalition that has come together to support, fund, and train families who want to work with their principals and teachers to make their hometown schools stronger (whether that means better drug prevention, vocational programs, school gardens, early literacy, etc.—whatever the community and school decide are most needed); and

Whereas, Families Leading Change seeks to help state and federal officials, regardless of their political affiliation or beliefs, learn from the local expertise and wisdom of families across West Virginia, including individual parents and family members raising West Virginia children, students, parent groups (WV PTA, Circle of Parents, Parents Action for Wellness), business groups (Education Alliance, WV Chamber of Commerce), teachers (AFT-WV, WVEA), administrators (WV Principals Association), students (Young WV, BAPS, SADD chapters), and community groups (Our Children, Our Future, Step-by-Step, Try This WV); therefore, be it

Resolved by the Senate:

That the Senate hereby designates February 26, 2018, as Families Leading Change Day at the Legislature; and, be it

Further Resolved, That the Senate invites all West Virginians to celebrate with Families Leading Change and become a part of this movement because we know that we can only succeed if all West Virginia families help to define and shape the future of our community and state; and, be it

Further Resolved, That the Clerk is hereby directed to forward a copy of this resolution to the representatives of Families Leading Change.